Urgent Prayer Request
Raju and Asha's younger son Tejas has been sick since this past Sunday. He is currently hospitalized at the Columbia Asia hospital in...

A Trip Through The Jungle
Recently Raju made a trip through several states preaching the gospel and teaching other ministers. While there, he felt lead to a jungle...

One World, One People, One God
This past week, Raju traveled 600 km by bus to a Christian school he supports to teach on the subject of One World, One People, One God....

Rebuilding After A Flood - Help Needed
This past December there were deadly, historic floods in the southern part of India. Prior to moving to Bangalore to study for ministry,...

Bringing Love to the "Snake Eaters"
About a year ago, while travelling in jungle/scrub areas outside of Bangalore, Asha and Raju stumbled upon a group of about 50 people who...

Children's Ministry in the Slums
From Raju: "Asha {my wife} is taking caring this children ministry,,,and women ministry in Slums area and villages,,,these children are...

A March For Women's Safety
As mentioned yesterday, the rainy season is making life difficult for people living in poor areas around Bangalore and some people are on...

The Rainy Season
It is the rainy season around Bangalore and it's making life miserable for many people. Raju and Asha's home is seeping water in through...

Calling for Jesus
On his way home on the night of Sept. 17, while crossing railroad tracks, Raju heard a voice calling out, "Jesus! Jesus!" over and over....

Prayer Request
Today Raju was teaching a class to some local people, including some Brahman devotees from one of the local temples he has been in...