Bringing Hope and Help to India's Needy and Forgotten
In the slums and remote areas outside the Indian city of Bangalore, Raju regularly encounters those people who have been cast off or left behind by society. Old women, AIDS orphans, the sick, the impaired, the cast off, often living in the open with not even proper clothing on their backs.

Raju and Asha bring the hopeful, love filled message of Jesus Christ to fields, hallways, conference rooms, Hindu temples, schools and anywhere there are people willing to listen. Preaching the gospel among Hindu people in India has sometimes meant enduring harrassment, violence and even prison for Raju, yet he has never stopped because he knows that the freedom, health and joy people seek is found in the truth of Jesus Christ.
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Comfort India Trust is the ministry of Raju BS and his wife Asha. As a child growing up in a Christian orphanage, Raju's heart was captured by Jesus. Despite many obstacles, Raju persued a seminary education and has spent nearly 20 years serving God and neighbor in some of the poorest, most forgotten parts of India. Through his teaching and service, he brings a gospel of hope, love and grace found in Jesus' finished work of the cross to the destitute, lonely and forgotten of the world. . .